Swivel tables

To change window position from horizontal to vertical


  • Profile protecting table cover
  • Automatically retractable respectively manually foldable roller conveyor
  • Pneumatic swivelling from 100° to 180°
  • Upward extension of table support by 400 mm
  • Heavy duty roller execution
  • Adjustable table height; therefore easy to integrate into production line
  • Lateral cut-out to improve accessibility
  • Thanks to shelves, staff members can organize their work equipment themselves
  • Load capacity up to 250 kgs


  • Available in three width variants
  • Horizontal turning of table
  • Selectable table support: Mushroom, felt, brush or stainless steel profiles
  • Drive unit
  • Additional flat clamping cylinder units
  • Swivelling shelves

Tilting tables – a great support in the handling area

Learn more about swivel tables as a great support in the handling area.




Swivel table version "R"

manually foldable roller conveyor

Swivel table version "AR"

automatically, pneumatically retractable roller conveyors