Done - Our first live performance and the steps we had to take
Now we finally made it - after a certain preparatory period we presented our first live product performance that was even held in English - which we managed too. As many people already know, we have been working on the topic of „Live Performance“ for quite a long time by checking internally the different concepts therewith related. Before developing a concept idea, however, you first have to determine the best suited software for a live performance providing both customer and „performer“ with important tools without being too complicated to avoid that the customer will drop out. After extensive research, we finally made our choice for a flexible software that still leaves enough „free space“ for further options.

By taking this step it was ensured to have a solid sofware base. At the same time we also had to tackle the hardware related items. Our next challenge was „sound and image“.
We were immediately aware of the fact that sound and image are decisive for success, or, in the worst case, failure. That’s the reason why we chose efficient hardware related items such as microphone and camera to make sure that we are always clearly heard and seen (provided, of course, that a good internet connection is available).
During our preparatory work we realized that this can only be handled with a check list:

- Software for live performances
- Microphone (+mixing console)
- Camera (complete overview)
- Tablet with camera for detailed view
- PC for direction
- Appropriate illumination
- large monitor for the presenter
- … further items followed
The final result was a mobile webinar trolley allowing us to hold our live performances in the complete company. We want to point out that the presentations will generally be done, from the professional point of view, by two persons. There is always an active presenter around who is responsible for the topic and a second colleague in charge of direction in the background to pass arising questions on to the presenter at the end of the presentation.
So let’s get back now to our first presentation - after an introduction into the topic and a check that all participants are present (image and sound - OK), we directly started with the process „production of PVC windows in timber window look“. At the beginning we briefly explained what the process generally looks like and also what kind of machinery is required. Then we integrated the participants into the process and showed them step by step how the manufacture of PVC windows in timber window look is materialized. We explained in detail the different milling processes and the following welding process.
Finally we answered all the questions asked by the participants.