Stay with our dealer TMS
A four week experience in England for our employee
My name is Katrin Steinle and I work as a sales assistant at Urban in Memmingen. In my job I have close and frequent contact with our area representatives all over the world, including our representatives in England. I got the chance to make a four week trip to our partner TMS (TotalMachinerySolutions) in Rugby, England.
When I started the trip in February 2023, it was first of all very exciting for me to travel alone to a company where I did not know the employees personally, but only by phone or e-mail. However, as soon as I arrived at the airport in Birmingham, I felt I was in good hands. I was lovingly welcomed by Darren Wade (Managing Director) and his co-worker Laura Angel and taken to my accomodation.
Also the first working day was very interesting, the company consists of only 9 employees, thus clearly less than I was used to from Urban. But again, everyone was so friendly and made an effort to speak to me in clear english.
I still did my daily dasks for the company Urban, but I was also allowed to clarify some things in connection with the company TMS. I was also taken to end customers who have complete lines and plants from us. This is very exciting for me to see, as I only get to see a few of the machine that have been delivered and are already in production in the internal sales department.
Through my stay with our partner, my english skills have improved and I find it easier to speak english. It was also nice to meet all the employees and the company itself in person, as it strengthened the bond even more.
Overall, it was an exciting and thrilling experience for me that I would do again anytime!